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Teens Driving; Encouraging or Endangering

Updated: Feb 5

By Rafael Almanza

Getting a driver's license is one of the most looked forward to milestones for teenagers on the path to maturity. Unquestionably, being able to drive brings a sense of freedom and independence, but the topic of whether or not teenagers should be permitted to drive still has to be answered. There are many factors to consider in the complex argument on whether or not teens should drive, including safety, maturity, and social responsibility.

Teens who are able to drive can develop a sense of independence and accountability. Driving may teach kids important life skills and prepare them for the responsibilities of adulthood by teaching them how to navigate the roadways and make decisions.

Teens frequently have hectic lifestyles that include social gatherings, part-time employment, and extracurricular activities.

Their social possibilities can be greatly improved by driving since it makes it simpler for them to access different activities, makes friendships easier, and creates a feeling of community.

Many people require the ability to drive in their everyday lives, particularly in areas with poor public transit. Teens who are given driving privileges at a young age gain invaluable experience that helps them get ready for the rigors of life.

Data indicates that youthful, inexperienced drivers are more likely to be involved in collisions. The 16 to 19-year-old age group has the highest risk of motor vehicle collisions, raising questions about the safety of adolescent drivers as well as other road users.

Teenagers may not have reached the emotional and cognitive maturity needed for safe driving, according to critics. Due to the still-developing teenage brain, impulsive decision-making may be more common and may result in unsafe driving practices.

Teens are more prone to text or have companions in the car while driving, two activities that might be distracting. Peer pressure may also affect how decisions are made, which may result in unsafe or harmful actions.

Teenage driving safety and maturity issues must be balanced with the desire for independence in this complicated and nuanced matter. While driving may provide worthwhile opportunities and life experiences, it is imperative to put safety considerations first and make sure that adolescent drivers are responsible and well-prepared. Finding this balance means working together with legislators, educators, and parents to develop policies that minimize dangers while enabling teens to experience the advantages of driving. In the end, allowing teenagers to drive should be determined by a dedication to encouraging responsible conduct and guaranteeing the security of both the drivers and the general public.

Hunter Heinze said “I’m pro-student drivers because I believe that students with cars develop this understanding and responsibility of driving that is important to learn during their teenage years. Also, cars are just really fun to work on, to drive, and to own.”

Ms. Campos explained “I am pro teenage driving, as a parent, it’s super nerve-racking for teens to be driving, since we’re hoping that teens will not be distracted drivers though it’s really helpful for teens to drive themselves to school. Since it’s a new level of independence for them, but also exciting and really scary at the same time.”

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