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Summer Bridge welcomes class of 2027

The SOARce

Updated: Feb 2, 2024

The Class of 2027 began their high school journey earlier this week when SOAR welcomed them to Health. More than 100 freshmen from middle schools across the Antelope Valley began their SOAR experience together in one of four Health classes taught by Mrs. Jefferson, Mr. Rivas, Mr. Newman, and Mrs. Brooks. Mrs. Jefferson returns to SOAR after a year at Virtual Academy and Mr. Newman joins the SOAR staff as its newest physics teacher when classes resume this fall.

Capping off the week, SOAR Ambassadors visited health classes to introduce freshmen to SOAR and what can be expected as they navigate their first year. Over the next few weeks, ambassadors will return to play games, answer questions, and meet their new mentees. The program's goal is to help SOAR's newest students feel connected to the early college high school experience.

New this year is a welcome dance happening on the last day of summer session. Tickets are only $5 and it's a great way to meet the friends that you will have for the next four years of high school.

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