By: Morgan Carter
Student opinion is shared within this article.
Changes have been made since it's publishing.
SOAR High School has always emphasized the importance of the student body and student input but do SOAR students really feel heard? With the chaos of the new schedule and general changes being made to the school, opinions seem to be mixed amongst students but not much seems to change. According to Cassidy Kendall in reference to the new schedule and changes being made, “It has been extremely stressful, I’ve gotten little sleep, and have had almost no time to care for my own mental and physical health despite the fact that I have less classes than I did last year”. Valerie Padilla also says, “I feel like even
though the staff's opinion on changes being made to the school is ultimately more influential, students still should have been consulted from the very beginning. Even after sitting in three- two hour periods, there is still work to be done at home which cuts into my free time. It got to the point that my college classes were easier than my high school classes.” As students, it is so important that our learning environment allows us to have a healthy work-life balance so that we are able to dedicate our time spent in class to learning and not worrying about how we will have enough time to finish all of our work by the end of the day. Oftentimes, teachers and staff emphasize the importance of learning over a grade you may receive; however, the schedule and pressures created as a result of it do not encourage this kind of thinking amongst students. Ultimately, the schedule has had negative effects on every student at SOAR to an extent which could have been avoided to some degree if the opinions and commentary of the student body was taken into consideration at a more serious level.