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SOAR: The Inside Scoop

The SOARce

Updated: Feb 2, 2024

By Emma Moffitt

High School can be a totally different experience for lots of SOAR Students, as there are students ages 13-18 on our campus. As SOAR students start to form their own opinions on this school year it's important to scoop into other perspectives.

Freshman Class of 27

The freshman class was asked to compare their workload and stress levels from middle school and they all expressed that high school was much more stressful. “I think my stress levels are definitely way higher than in middle school, especially when it comes to the workload and what the teachers expect me to have already learned in the past. I'm still getting used to it, and I'm definitely more scared of falling behind, so we'll see how it goes.” (Madalyn Santos)

Sophomore Class of 26

The sophomores have had a year to adapt to their new high school and college schedule, but this year they have more on their plate. Sophomores have the option to choose their own college classes leading them to have more freedom and more stress. “Having the option to pick my college classes this year was a little stressful since we still have to pick classes that go well with our standard major. However, I still enjoy the fact that I was able to take the opportunity to take classes that have something to do with my major in the future, which is anthropology and psychology.” (Manaia Davis) However, the sophomores stated that having one year of experience in an early college high school has given them a lot more confidence to get through it. “Having a year at SOAR High School definitely makes me feel less stressed and more confident in my abilities to get stuff done.” (Ellington Taylor)

Junior Class of 25

The juniors have now had two years to adapt to an early college high school, and one year to adapt to picking their own classes, but now they can drive. Does having to get yourself to school on time by yourself make it more stressful? Is freedom worth it? Photini Qarmout explains that the freedom is nice, especially when you need something last minute. “It's all about your mindset. So much will happen in high school both good and bad and everything in between. To make sure that you come out stronger you have to be mindful about how you let things affect you and how you react to your feelings.”

Senior Class of 24

It's been three years and they're on their last one till it's over. The seniors were asked to compare their stress levels from their last 3 years of high school and they all replied that they had more stress every year. “My stress level has definitely gone way up. I've taken on a lot of responsibilities as I've gotten older such as multiple jobs, volunteering, and school responsibilities so having to manage all of that can be very overwhelming. Being a senior you already know how to do high school, but the main worries are figuring out which college you're going to and basically how to be an adult.” (Faith Janczewski)

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Oct 17, 2023

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