By Masako King
SOAR High School is back in motion! Though our learning experience has been pretty unconventional this semester, Dr. Herrera, our teachers, ASB, and club leaders are here to ensure that your Back to School Night is filled with information that'll let you know what's expected of you, what's going on during the school year, and more! The event will occur on September 2nd, 2020, from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. This will all be held on the SOAR High School website, where the info will stay up for about a week. Make sure you check your emails for the SOAR Update, which will further inform you all on the event.
Listed below are the goals for Back to School Night:
- Introducing parents to the SOAR program
- Making sure students know who their teachers
- Expectations for learning
- Providing the best support for students of all grades
- Especially freshman as learning how to transition to an early college high school is a great essential
- Avid classes will prove to be a key component to success where they'll be supported, and the avid learning pillars will be reinforced
The traditional way that this event takes place is on AVC's campus: the quad area, black box, the gym, and SOAR's campus. Sadly, a BBQ won't be held for this year; however, it'll have more convenience for both parents and students as all of the information can be reached on the SOAR High School website. The event is entirely virtual, so hopefully, all of SOAR's parents and students will find some time from their week to adjust to this new learning format. Broadcasts such as welcome videos, student schedules, teacher presentations, online learning expectations, learning in general, extra support, and more can all be viewed at your leisure. Having the ability to rewind if you didn't catch something is another amazing advantage. A live component won't be present, so meeting IDs or passcodes aren't necessary. Though we won't be able to have the usual personal experience that you would get pre-pandemic, everything concerning the event will be online with a simple click of a button. Youtube links, Screencastify, and recorded zooms are some of the ways teachers are composing their lectures.
Shifting gears will have to be done in order to make this journey run smoothly, but all of SOAR's staff, members of ASB, and most importantly, your families, know that we all can get through this and shine through. Soak up all of the knowledge at Back to School Night on Wednesday, and let's make the most out of this school semester!