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The SOARce

Updated: Jan 28, 2023

By Journey Artis

Ms. Pineda is a new teacher here at SOAR High School and just joined at the start of the 2022-2023 school year! She comes from teaching at SOAR’s middle school SOAR Prep and has said that teaching at SOAR High has been on her vision board since she began teaching. Her joyous feelings toward teaching at SOAR can be seen when she states, “I knew that the level of rigor and excellence provided to all students at SOAR was an amazing opportunity. I was extremely excited to join the teaching staff here this year.” Of course however teaching at a high school is much different than teaching at a middle school and when you throw SOAR’s unique environment into the mix there is a whole new aspect to be seen. When asked how SOAR is different from other schools she has taught at, Pineda states, “The most striking aspect of SOAR High School is the realization that when provided appropriate resources and content, students from all backgrounds want to exceed learning expectations and have meaningful experiences in school.” This shows her dedication to student learning and ensuring each student has an equal opportunity for success which is sure to reinforce SOAR’s values! When asked what she most enjoys about teaching at SOAR High she goes on to say, “There’s much to appreciate on a daily basis; yet the commitment of everyone here, especially the students, is invaluable to me. I love to see young people self-advocating and striving to reach their goals.” Her optimistic and exhilarating feelings toward SOAR’s community will be sure to enhance our learning environment! Here at SOAR Ms. Pineda teaches English 10 Honors and AVID 2 for sophomores and is a club adviser for Black Student Union, Class of 2026, and Mock Trial. When asked what she hopes to gain from SOAR Ms. Pineda stated, “I hope to gain a new understanding of how students best learn in such an engaging academic setting, in order to serve their diverse needs for English Language arts instruction and beyond.” Ms. Pineda’s dedication and passion for student’s learning, healthy school environments and overall learning is sure to continue to make SOAR a phenomenal experience for our staff, parents, and above all students!

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