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For The WOmEn

The SOARce

By Isabella Rodriguez

This year marks the 114th year since the women’s rights movement started gaining attention. In 1910, March 8th was made the annually observed International Women's Day. This then led to the presidential proclamation that established the National Women’s History Month. It was made to spotlight women in historical studies. However, a few years before it began to be observed,  the first ever women-organized strike occurred. Where they fought against unequal rights and unfair working conditions.

In today's times, we take this month as a month of celebration. We recognize and really focus on the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. This month we vocalize the idea of equal rights for a gender-equal world. With it being the 114th year since the women’s rights movement gained attention there is still progress to be made. We do have to recognize the things women have accomplished however these rights aren't secure. The fight for equality will continue.

This month recognize the countless women in your life. One student Monica Muniz states, “ I'm really grateful for my mom”. Like Monica let us all take an appreciation to not only our lovely mothers, but any other women that we value may it be a teacher, friend, maybe even a stranger that really impacted you. Let us recognize how much all these women have fought to be who and where they are today. 

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