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Back To School Mentality

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

By Rafael Almanza

High school is starting back up and after summer break a lot of us don't know what to expect. Last year at SOAR, we met our new principal Wendi Johnston which was very exciting since the school would be under new management. Along with new freshmen coming to SOAR, it is always good for upperclassmen to set a good impression on future students. Unfortunately, a few staff members left to go teach at the new school but many teachers have filled in positions. Additionally, Soar is expanding to a few more classrooms! This year is going to be very exciting and new to everyone.

As we all know, a lot of students have new classes whether it be high school or college classes. These things may get a little stressful for students. As well as seniors applying for colleges or universities for scholarships which is a big help in the long run so if you haven't yet, brainstorm what school you'll be attending and make sure to start writing your applications. A lot of us SOAR students don't have the same classes whether it be a language or any other subject on the IGETC. Some classes will be more overwhelming than others but that's the best part since those classes will be able to prepare you for the stress that college life puts on top of you.

Along with new high school classes, some of these classes can drop a lot of work on top of you, and sometimes things are happening at home or even at school. Make sure to visit the SOAR Mental Health Room on the SOAR high school website during these events arise. Stress is something that we as students fear in the form of assignments or exams, some coping methods could be yoga to catch your breath and relax yourself or social interactions with other students in your grade. Getting to know your fellow peers in your grade is one of the best ways to get through this year.

So knowing this, don't be afraid to take new opportunities such as applying for electives which can be very beneficial as not all electives are stressful and can be a bigger mental health break while interacting in a subject that you enjoy. Good luck new and old students in the year of 2022-2023!

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