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A Journey With Journey: Reeling In Our Resolutions

The SOARce

By: Journey Artis

5…4…3….2…1! And with that the 2022 season comes to an end! You know what that means! A pile of brand new New Year's Resolutions that you’ll be pressuring yourself to reach before the year is up, not to mention the immense stress you’ll put yourself under to reach the ones you didn’t last year. Ok, all jokes aside, setting new goals for the New Year is extremely healthy and shows just how much you want to grow and better your life. Additionally, wanting to accomplish them by a certain deadline, perhaps by the end of the year, shows just how responsible you are, for setting a deadline for your goals.

With this in mind, it is however important to note how important it is to not stress about your goals to a point of it becoming unhealthy or unmanageable. An example of this might come from Very Well Mind’s article titled, “New Year’s Resolution Stress,” “January is considered one of the most stressful months of the year for several reasons. One of the biggest: New Year’s resolutions. There is no doubt that, if accomplished, resolutions to make a change in your diet, exercise, or personal finances can be beneficial to both your mental and physical health. But the excessive pressure you put on yourself to accomplish them is not healthy.” This shows how while resolutions could make very impactful changes to your life, it is important to find healthy ways to achieve them. Without further ado let’s get into some tips for making your New Year’s Resolutions a lot less daunting!

First, try breaking your goal into smaller tasks to accomplish. I’m sure we’ve all heard this one before, however, knowing just how to go about breaking your goal into smaller and more manageable tasks, can make all the difference to your relationship with your goals. Want to make healthier lifestyle choices? Try using the stairs instead of elevators or try changing one meal at a time to something much healthier. Want to get better grades this year? Try to slowly start adding fifteen minutes of study time to your routine everyday to retain more information for longer periods of time. If you're not quite sure how to go about breaking up your goal, try experimenting for a little bit. If you feel the way that you have broken up your goal is not manageable for you, break it into even smaller pieces! Or if you feel that you can manage more than you have given yourself, add some more! All in all, you should find ways to break up your individual goals into smaller, more manageable pieces within your daily life.

Next, if you need a bit of help staying accountable on your journey to accomplishing your New Year’s resolutions, try having a few of your loved ones work on your goals with you or at least hold you accountable, to ensure that you stay consistent. Maybe you and one of your siblings have been wanting to tone up or get a bit more in shape. Try getting together for a fifteen minute workout every other day to start building a habit, and perhaps checking in with one another could keep accountability going both in and out of the gym! Or maybe you have a goal to gain a bit more financial literacy and you have a friend who is doing rather well with financial management. Try asking this friend to give you a few pointers or perhaps share with them any progress you might be making towards your goal. Also, make sure that you are being patient with yourself, especially if you are revisiting any old goals that may not have been reached in prior years. Building a habit and accomplishing a goal can take a bit of time, however, with consistency and accountability you’ll be sure to make remarkable progress on your journey!

Lastly, make sure to celebrate your victories, no matter how big or small! While making sure you are consistently working towards your goals is extremely important, it is just as important to make sure that you are celebrating your victories. A lack of celebration can lead to you feeling under accomplished and can overall impact your feelings towards your goals. You passed that most recent test due to your new preparation methods? Try going out for some ice cream with friends! See an increase in your fitness due to your new workout regimes and diet? Treat yourself to a day of pampering and self care, in regards to what that looks like to you! All in all, do make sure that you are celebrating those small milestones along the way to accomplishing your new year’s resolutions in order to keep yourself motivated and overall create a more healthy relationship with your goals!

That concludes, this month’s A Journey With Journey! We hope you enjoyed this piece and took away something valuable in regards to accomplishing your New Year’s Resolutions. We would like to welcome you back to our column and into this New Year overall! Wishing you all the best in regards to accomplishing your resolutions!


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