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a guide to club application season

Updated: Oct 4, 2022

Written by Hannah Duffee

The California Scholarship Federation is a club that requires members to reapply each semester. If you are a current member and want to apply again, or are applying for the first time, please pick up an application form in the office. Applications can be submitted by returning them to the office upon completion.

Applications are due Feb 17, 2022

President Evelyn Garcia stated, “I’d say my favorite thing about CSF is watching members work hard for their grades, allowing them to have honorary status as a CSF member.”

Robotics - BotSquad # 5011

Want to learn more about engineering? Join Robotics and become a part of a team! Team positions include Drive Team, Building Team, Programming Team, Design Team, and Business Team.

Applications are due Feb 25, 2022

Senior Gia Rogers shared her experience with robotics with us.

Concerning her favorite thing about Robotics, Gia said, “Seeing the final product in action. It’s really rewarding seeing all of the parts come together to complete the task you made it to do,” Gia continued, “But my favorite part is working with my team. We just have so much fun together and even have a theme song!”

Journalism and Yearbook

Are you interested in enhancing your skills in photography and writing? Join Intro to Modern Journalism or the Yearbook Staff next year to do just that!

Applications are due Feb 25, 2022

As the semester progresses, more applications will be coming out for other clubs/electives. Stay tuned for further information and updates.

Senior Miranda Garibay Brandt has been a part of the Yearbook staff for three years.

“My favorite part is taking pictures! I have loved practicing my photography skills. I’ve learned a lot about certain photography techniques, such as lighting, centering, focus, and background specifics.”

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